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How do we find meaning among the machines?

Hey there, I'm a computer science undergrad at Berkeley. Thinking about my opportunities for using my CS skills in the future, I find myself asking a lot of questions. How do I do work that is actually meaningful and helpful to people? And, how can technology bridge barriers between people and scale bright ideas?
This futuristic world we live in can be difficult to understand, but it is important to ask these key questions and focus on impact. This blog is called What the Tech because, frankly, What the Tech is Tech... and Life... and Everything... I'm not sure. However, in these blog posts you'll find my attempts to be a heckler (or techler haha) by questioning, challenging, and trying to understand what the tech is happening with today's biggest ideas.
Let's see where this takes us! :P

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To Beep or Not to Beep: Why Understanding Human Consciousness Means Better Robots

Currently, the information processing, logical side of the human mind is the part that is mainly understood and used to make helpful computers, but more complexities exist in the subconscious level that prevent technology from becoming “human.” However, artificial intelligence has come a long way towards replicating creativity, analysis, and intelligence and even offers humans an opportunity to improve their lives by changing or uploading their brains. With all these technological advances, what will it take to have a future where robots and people both have consciousness? And, if this happens, how can these two groups best function together to maximize prosperity?

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Slidedeck on Technology and Philanthropy

A presentation of research related to corporate philanthropy, psychological ideas such as argumentative theory, and why advancements in technology have great potential to damage society. Project III is a much more developed version of this project.

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The Social Good Revolution: How Corporate Responsibility can Enable Technological Innovation and Beneficially Impact Society

Abstract: In this day and age, technology is affecting people in ways it never has before. Artificial intelligence is replacing human decision making in key areas, the sensational ways in which companies use technology incur short term gains while corrupting entire populations, and unmoderated sides of the internet decrease participant responsibility and hateful groups to reach others under the guise of anonymity. All these advances pose new and concerning ethical and moral questions we’ve never seen before. The decision to build technology with the benefit of society in mind may change from being the “right” thing to being the only way technologists, companies, and the people of the world can prevent self destruction. This social good revolution is on the horizon because companies like Uber and Lyft are becoming more competitive in the realm of total societal impact. Also, companies like Pinterest and LinkedIn are realizing where their algorithms fall short of serving the needs of their customers, while others like Google are hiring teams of ethicists and setting goals for themselves regarding their impact on the world. When technology companies and their engineers are aware of the unintended consequences of their new technology, they can build better products that make everyone better off and keep the company sustained in the long term. Mission-driven development is taking off because the future of the world is increasingly at stake. However, making an impact requires more than just intention. Argumentative theory explains that individuals must interact and compare ideas in order to dismantle their confirmation bias. People are starting to care more about working for companies that make ethical decisions. They can contribute by questioning corporate intentions, expressing their opinions, and feeling confident in the social impact of the products they build. Companies can also encourage this kind of culture among their ranks by aiming for diversity of thought while hiring and being open with their decision making. These efforts incentivize engineers to work for companies and make the technology they build better satisfy the mission.
Keywords: Technology, Corporate Philanthropy, Artificial Intelligence, Ethics of Technology, Mission Driven Development, Human Decision, Argumentative Theory, Confirmation Bias, Free Speech, Total Societal Impact, Corporate Social Responsibility, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google, Slack Uber, Lyft, Algorithmic Bias, Diversity and Inclusion, Hiring Practices

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  • Writer's pictureTechler

Library Exercise #2

Updated: Dec 10, 2018

Complex issue / tension / idea might for Final Research Project: The complexities of using technology to assist disadvantaged individuals

How startups in the education sector deal with confirmation bias and diversity.

Griffith, Erin. “The Ugly Unethical Underside of Silicon Valley.” Fortune, 28 Dec. 2016,

Rochetti, Akimbo Adrienne. “Technology for Social Good - Good Enough?” Wired, Conde Nast, 7 Aug.


Zwilling, Martin. “Don't Let Personal Biases Sabotage Your Startup.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 10 Dec.


  • Silicon Valley start-ups are becoming so common and such a quick way for success, that people are often building businesses without putting significant thought into how their business will function in society. This is a criticism of the tech optimism and Bay area bubble.

  • people need to accept that their ideas simply won’t work sometimes. This article is aimed at entrepreneurs who have the passion and the drive for building their business, but don’t realize the faults with their idea. Instead of having the illusion that one’s business is working, it’s better to pivot, even if its a blow to one’s ego, in order to actually help people.

  • This article provides a bit of a counter argument in defence of start-ups. Companies are still behind the times with their hiring practices that don’t encourage diversity. However, young people and people from diverse backgrounds can use new resources and different societal constructs to build whatever they need for their own communities.

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